Frequently Asked Question

How to Install Windows 10 pro?
Last Updated 4 years ago

To Install windows 10 pro follow below procedure:

NOTE: Before installing windows 10 please raise the ticket and one of our IT team member will reach you on the contact no. provided in ticket. Once he/she guide you to install windows 10 then follow the below procedure. It is Suggested to do installation in the presence of local IT support who can help you in case of any issue during installation. Also all the Data in C drive (Desktop, Documents, Downloads, Pictures, Music, Videos folders) will be formatted. So please keep the copy of data in C drive into any other drive (D drive or external memory).

step1) To Create bootable USB drive/pendrive follow below steps:

  1. Make sure you have a working empty pendrive of 8GB or more.
  2. Make sure you have a good and stable internet connection. windows 10 file download  requires 5GB of data, make sure you have 5GB data in your internet pack.
  3. Connect empty USB drive/pendrive to your PC.
  4. Click here to download media creation tool.
  5. After the download finishes, open the downloaded MediaCreationTool.exe file from the browser’s downloads list or from the Downloads folder of your PC.
  6. Once the app is launched, wait for the following screen to appear:  

  7. Click on Accept button.
  8. On next Screen, select Create Installation media option as shown in picture below and click Next:


  9. On next Screen, select Create Installation media option as shown in picture below and click Next:


  10. On next screen, select first option, USB Flash Drive, as shown below and click next:


  11. On Next screen, you will see a list of Pen Drive Attached. If you do not see the name of pen drive as shown below, try reconnecting your pendrive to some other ports on your PC and click refresh drive list button.


  12. As the USB is detected, Select the USB drive, and press Next button as shown in picture below:


  13. Next you will see Windows download screen as shown below in snapshot.
    Remember Baba.. this will take some time. once process completes bootable pendrive is ready.

Please Note down the size of all the drives (C drive, D drive, etc. ) on paper before going to next step. 

NOTE: Please Disconnect the internet before going to next step. We have to install windows keeping the internet disconnected.

step2) To Install Windows follow below steps:

Shutdown your computer and connect the bootable USB to computer. Next we have to turn ON the BIOS setup of Computer. For different computers the BIOS key is different. To enter in BIOS setup mode - As soon as you press the power ON button on CPU, immediately press one of the following key F2, F10, F12, DEL, F1. it will open up the BIOS Setup of computer. Once you are in BIOS setup you will see the screen like this- 


Now enter into Boot option as shown below in snapshot. In boot option you will see the list of drives (Hard drive, CD drive, removable disk/USB drive, etc) . Now we have to change Boot device order - move removable device/USB drive at top priority as shown in snapshot below.


Once boot device order is changed save the settings and exit(To save settings and Exit-press F10 key as shown in bottom of above snapshot). After exit the computer will start booting windows 10 from USB drive. PC will start installing windows 10 pro from USB drive. During Installation computer will restart several times automatically. Once done it will ask for few configurations. 

For example it will ask which language and keyboard (Select English) & Click next. Then click on Install Now. It will ask for key - click on I don't have a product key as shown in snapshot below (For License Key IT team will contact you later, Right now please complete installation of Windows 10).


Next it will ask which version of windows you want to install - select Windows 10 pro & Click Next as shown below in snapshot.


Then as shown in next image- Tick in checkbox to Accept the license terms and click Next.


Next click on bottom option Custom: Install windows only (advanced) as shown in snapshot below


Next it will ask for Which partition you want to install windows 10. Please select Partition for which the size is same as C drive. My C Drive is 30 GB, so i have selected Device 0 Partition 4 and delete it. This will format C drive. Also delete small partitions Device 0 Partition 1, Device 0 Partition 2, Device 0 Partition 3 (these are in MB) these partition are used by system. Please do not delete other partitions in GB size (In my computer Device 0 partition 5 size is 29 GB - it is D drive). Please do not delete D drive partition or any other partition in GB size it can be your E,F drive.


After C drive and System partitions are deleted it will look like as shown in below image. Please select Device 0 Unallocated space and click next. It will start insatalling Windows.


During Installation your PC will automatically restart several times, please do not shutdown or press any key while installation is in progress.

After Installation is done it will ask for region (Select India) and Keyboard language (select English). And it will ask for microsoft account login - select offline account in left bottom of screen as shown in below image. And clcik on NO in next screen. 


Next it will ask for account name (Enter your name) and password (give new password). Remember this password. After this you will see screen like below image. Turn off all the buttons as shown below and Accept. After this your insatallation is complete.


Once installation is complete, please send email to [email protected] mentioning windows 10 installation is complete. so that we can Activate license on your computer.

In case of any queries please feel free to contact us at [email protected]

Om Shanti.

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